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NOWAT CARIB 2014 Album
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I love it when we're cruisin' together
The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together
Ahhhhh, thank you so much Smokey… 
That man knows what crusin’ is all about…

So here we are, two Days At Sea, and nowhere special to go but did that ever stop our Wacky Duo???
Hell NO! 
Wellll…. Maybe there’s… 
Ok then, how about….

Awwww common, give ‘em a break, the last few days have been pretty much a whirlwind of activity, what with long treks to watch Crabbing Dogs, Sandy Va JayJay's, Bumpy Boat Rides, Liqueur Tastings, High Rent Bayside Tours, Margarita Lessons on a pay to swim beach, Bridge Runs, Questionable Chicken Nugg...err..uhhh...Tenders, Free Fruity Drinks Pirate Ships, rope swings, Did I mention - Free Fruity Drinks, Hoppy Bersday party’s and so on…
So they deserve a little sleep in time… and they took it.

And since the Sea days are pretty much the same routine, we'll try to cover them both with one post… or not – depends on how wordy he gets Plus no pics were taken so aside from the Video below...don't look for any.  A full trips worth will appear soon on the Picassaweb album for the NOWAT.

Our 2nd Sea-day got a bit of a late start as noted above and we finally stumbled up to the Lido buffet to grab some solid fuel and weave to a table on the Aft “endless Pool Deck” to try and scrub the cobwebs away.

Today’s plan was pretty much like the 1st Sea Day –
Eat –walk around – drink & eat some more – Maybe something in the Spa – drink – snack/drink – dinner – drink – drink – do something silly in the Piano bar – drink some more – crash.

Which is pretty much how it went, with some time for NOWAT composition and experimental Picture uploads with the balky WiFi. NOT Hapinin'

She got in some reading while lounging on the Balcony before the nodding started and...
Hey… it's her Bersday Week - she’s entitled to be lulled by the gentle swish of the wake. Yeah….she’s Snoozin’ and Crusin’  - which is why I wanted this cabin in the first place.  She Luuuuvvs her Balcony snoozes and took full advantage of it more than once.

On the Way to dinner, Chucky made the mistake of stopping to admire the Spa “rope ‘em in Table” where DL spotted the brochure for the Acupuncture and before he knew it, she had arranged an appointment for a “Free” consultation the next day.  His post Radiation neck cramps had been getting more frequent and she was determined to have him try something other than his Chiropractor that didn’t seem to be working.  We'll see about that.

Cocktails as usual with a stop at the Tasting Bar on the way to the Atrium for a little amuse bouche before dinner and onto another unremarkable dinner but some very lively conversation with MD-NK-M&M as we recapped each of our days and some of our adventures for the cruise.

After dinner it was the – now obligatory  - stop at the Alchemy before the usual harassment of THE Piano Man Seth.  Closing the Piano bar has become a standard as we must always wait for the after 11PM “Naughty Selections” one of which is a crowd favorite “Who the F**k is Alice” which always gets the loudest responses as everyone tries to land a Dollar in the large punch bowl Seth has on the Piano… Many try – few succeed, but I'm quite sure Seth does not mind crawling under and around the Piano after closing to retrieve the loot.

3rd and Final Sea-day was a bit more of the same with the exception that a Group Breakfast in the Main dining room was called for 7:30 to avoid the mob scene that the last Breakfast always draws and so we could all spend that one together.  And… to use up the Free Drink Coupon which can only be used in the Dining room at breakfast or Lunch, so Bloody Mary’s around.
The Eggs Benedict were passable, Hollandaise from a can, eggs just barely overdone but the company was sparkling and that was all that mattered.

As we passed the Line that was now stretched out the door and down the stairs, we agreed to the usual dinner time and went about finding what other trouble we could get into for the day.

DL wanted to walk around and browse the Shops for the “Last Day Specials” {that means SALE in her book – another 4 letter word} and Chucky popped into the sports bar to watch some of the British Open.

More time for NOWAT composition {he finally got most of Curacao done} and then it was time for his “Free Acupuncture Consultation, which he was hoping to avoid but she was having none of that.
We will spare you the running dialogue that ensued there but suffice it to say, Ana – the esthetician was lovely and agreed that one hasty treatment with no opportunity for follow up was a waste, but convinced HIM that he really would benefit from the treatments once on land. 
We'll see how that goes {DL is adamant – it will happen}
She also explained why their legs were so swollen, something about our bodies not adapting well to being on water vs solid land - or something like that.  DL vowed to research that once home.

And then it was time for the last dinner with the our Newest Bestest Cruise Friends with more lively dialogue and revealing of future cruise plans etc {some of these folks are bordering on Cruise Addiction}  Hugs to M&M who left to pack and begged off the Piano bar before we all adjourned to get a little packing in for tomorrows debarkation before the last shot at the Alchemy and Piano Bars.  

Now came the Final Foible of the Trip.
Somewhere along the trip, our clever twosome were able to finagle some springy lanyards for their Sail and Sign cards normally reserved for the Slot Machine players in the casino, and took to wearing them around their neck to avoid having to pull out a wallet or whatever {or loose one again in the hot tub}  
During dinner, Chucky had tucked his inside his shirt.  Upon return to the cabin for final packing before the Piano Bar Rendezvous, she took hers off her wrist and put it on the desk next to his laptop.
Packing done, they are about to head down to the Alchemy Bar and she cant find her lanyard. They search everywhere... under the bed, in all the drawers, Cabinets, closets, bathroom... Nothing.
Ok... now he decides that it must have gotten caught up in something he packed and he starts reopening the luggage unpacking the top layer, etc.  Nothing.
Now the panic sets it...Do we call Guest Services and cancel the cards... did she really take it off her wrist or did she maybe leave it on the dinner table as had been her habit...  One more bag, drawer, cabinet, under the bed, etc. search and... Nothing... 
It was just about then that HE discovers, his was still tucked in his shirt and he had picked her lanyard and put it around his neck, because... it was sitting next to the laptop and he naturally thought it was his since she usually put hers in the cabinet with the Safe.  
Boy... did she NOT let him forget that one for the rest of the night.

This of course was the running joke of the night as every time he handed his card to Lesly the Delightful little Piano bar waitress to pay for drinks - everyone would ask Chucky if he had the Right lanyard on.  Not Funny... well yeah... probably was... To them! 

As usual, being the last night, we closed the Piano Bar and stumbled up to our cabins... debarkation was gonna be early.

We'll get them off the ship along with a brief wrap up in the next and probably final episode of this Trip.  {hummmmm}
I love it when we're cruisin' together...

Ciao 4 Now,
Uncle Chuck & The all done with Fruity Drinks
Dragon Lady 

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