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Curacao - Part DEUX

We last found our Wacky Duo High stepping for the Bus at the Curacao Liqueur plant as the Roll Call gang hung out the windows and cheered them on, or was that a few Bronx Cheers they heard… Whatevah.

The tour proceeded around the East Side of the island visiting various communities, 

the Old Jewish Neighborhood {originally colonized by Jews who had first fled to Portugal to escape the Spanish Inquisition} where serious renovations were underway, then through some interesting Government Housing where if you qualify, you can start out in a modest little bungalow and pay according to your means, moving up in size or
buying from the government as your income improves. 

Then came some VERY Fancy places in the "High Rent District" known as the Spanish water area, which is a beautiful residential area on the Spanish Water Bay where they are also building more cruise dock-age,
stopping for pictures of the bay, just before the last stop - the Curacao Seaqarium Beach

Sylvian gave all instructions to be back in a little more than an hour – Shooting a grinning glare at our Wacky Duo for emphasis and we were off to visit a lovely restricted access area where you can wander around a modified entertainment / Restaurant / tchotchke mall, or hang out at the various Tiki Bars. 

Our group got a bit separated as MD-NK-M&M headed to find the restrooms and then on to the beach area only to be stopped by a guard asking if they were going to use the beach, referring them to a lady from the Seaqarium staff who wanted to charge a fee if they did.  
Not this crowd, they were headed for the shade of the larger Tiki bar and some Snacks, Fruity drinks and a little chill time. 

Dragon Chic wanted to wander the Mall {what a surprise!} only to find it more chintzy tchotchke kiosks mixed in with some High-End Brand Shops, and assorted bars and restaurants, so it was time to find the others, and get stopped by the same guard hustling her for a beach fee {We aint goin’ Swimmin’ Dude – we’re headed to the bar!}as he glared at us all the way to the Tiki Bar {what is it with these people and the Glare!}

MD-NK-M&M getting ready to walk along the waters edge {out of sight of “Mr Pay Me A Fee”} to the nice rocky outcrops for some photo ops, so we tag along for a 
         - pose – grin – click –one more – ok… 
and so on.
By then it was steamy enough to hasten back to the Tiki hut, for Nachos, Fruity Stuff and Free –if not painfully slow - WiFi.  

While everyone’s {read that DL's} noses were buried in their various electronic devices, Chucky finds the bar 4 deep trying to get 1 bartender and 1 bar back’s attention so he spots another nearly empty bar  [Soon to find out why] and hustles over for a couple of Margaritas.  Bad Move

Not only does he get a rookie bar back trying his hand at what must have been his first Margarita order - since he kept trying to put rum in it while running between the mixing tin and the hidden bar book or whatever he was trying to read – but after two failed attempts, and Chucky convincing him that Rum Carribbean was not Tequila – Chucky finally had to take over the mixing task almost having to slice his own limes for the fresh press much to the amusement of the few customers sitting around the bar.  What was supposed to have been a quick hop for 2 margaritas took up the better part of 20 minutes.

Back with the crowd:
“Where the Hell did you go?  We thought you might have been arrested for Fraudulent Use of the Beach." She Grins.
“Don’t Ask – The answer will NOT be pretty”

After rustling up some Nachos from the now- not so busy bar -  Chucky snaps a Pic of Dragon Chic chillin' with a Fruity Libation and tries to email it on the almost - Dial Up Speed WiFi – which his Android phone is balking at - and finally sends not one… but three separate emails from two different accounts,  that may... or may not have gone out.  Hopefully one got through.

Time to head to the Bus – as he whines:
‘Hey Wait… I still got Nachos here!!!”
“Too Bad”“ She glares… I ain't running again!”

Welllll... they didn't but 2 other couples did as Sylvian gave them the obligatory but grinning Glare of Doom and we were off to Downtown Willemstad for a little sightseeing, and maybe dinner.

Michelle and Mary had thought we were being dropped off near Mikve’ Isreal-Emanuel - the Oldest Synagogue in continuous use in the Western Hemisphere commonly known as the Snoa  {short for esnoga, an old Portuguese and Ladino word for synagogue} but Sylvian had to get back to pick up another tour group.
Soooo we got directed towards our destination over the Queen Emma Bridge {the largest floating pontoon bridge still in operation. {Ranked #2 of 35 attractions in Willemstad by TripAdvisor}

This bridge is pretty nifty and of course we are a little more that halfway across when the Buzzer and Bell goes off, the Orange flag goes up and the bridge starts to swing open to let a Tug Boat pass… everyone is hustling for the other side except for… Guess Who – DL has stopped to take a picture, oblivious to the bells and flags and suddenly she is galloping full tilt as the gap between the shore side and the floating bridge is getting larger.
Now she is REALLY BOOKING it as Chucky reaches over to help her LEAP – yeah LEAP over the widening Chasm, red faced and out of breath.  His only regret is that his pocket camera was just that, –in his pocket and off – as the look on her face at full gallop was PRICELESS…
“And I thought you weren't gonna run any more today.”  He snickers.
“Watch it Smart Ass!”  She huffs and puffs at him.

Fortunately Michelle had downloaded and printed a rudimentary map to the Synagogue from the bridge and we found it without too much of a hassle.
Unfortunately it was already closed for the day but…
- Pose – Grin – Click – Again… One more – etc…

And we were off to see that other fun we could find.

- Pose – Grin – Click – Again… OK…Next
Earlier, we had asked Sylvian for dining recommendations – we wanted to eat where the Locals Eat, not the tourist spots, but he advised that the Locals finish eating around 2PM, and since it was now well after 4PM those places were closed.  He did recommend a Local, somewhat touristy spot, Gouverner de Rouville considered one of the better spots in town on the river that had several local dishes. {Ranked #11 of 126 Restaurants in Willemstad by TripAdvisor}   
After striking out at a the Iguana and Iguana Too - a Waterside café/Bar - we decided to cross back over the bridge and see what De Gouverner {as the locals call it} was all about.

And…of Course… you know what’s coming next…

Yup…Middle of the Bridge… Buzzers – Bells – Flags - as half the group rushes to the far side and out through the rapidly closing iron gate.  And Yes… you know who jumps the gap again but is stuck behind the already closed gate because she was taking more pictures.  The gate is controlled by the bridge tender so she and several others had to wait on the bridge side of the bars while the safe 1/3rd of MD-M&M, {N&K had split back to the boat earlier} made funny faces at our traveling Wackos.

Since this got a bit longer than planned    [Yeah… right -  He’s just plain wordy] we’ll leave you hangin’ on the bridge with them and fill you in on dinner etc in the next installment - 
Curacao – Part Trois

Uncle Chuck & The Gettin’ Damn Tired of this Bridge
Dragon Lady 

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