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NOWAT CARIB 2014 Album
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... Oooh Baby why don't we go down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo

We interrupt the usual bring you an important announcement about the 
"Perils of Special Vocabulary".  
What?!?! You thought we were just gonna get on with it??  Seriously?!?

Soooo… All those that know the Ever-Lovely Dragon Lady well, can attest that she is a Proper Lady and deplores swear words and cursing.  Those who find it necessary to use profanity only reap her look of disdain and the stern admonition. “Tsk-Tsk… LANGUAGE!!!” She is, however known to have her own special vocabulary of Four Letter Words.  Yes, dear hearts, Dragon Chic has Four-Letter-Words, and she’s not afraid to use them at the drop of a hat… or a Credit card if you will.  The words?
[Please escort all children from the area before reading on]

Ok we warned you…
50% OFF
 [Ok the last is more than 4 letters]
Yes, anyone following the Adventures of the Ever-Lovely Dragon Lady and Chucky, know that sooner than later, shopping will play a part in the preparation for the trip. And of course at the top of the list is: Yeah, you guessed it:
There IS however, a bright spot this time around on the very first trip to DSW [Designer Shoe Warehouse] her favorite purveyor of Sadistically Crafted Metatarsal Torture. You will recall that in the past she usually has to make several trips to this vendor of discontinued, overstocked, and/or irregular footwear prior to one of her sojourns only to be blanked and come home shoeless, so to speak.  Whereas Chucky, along just to “carry the water” and “Pay the Lady” winds up scoring at least one pair of replacements for something that may still be sitting in his closet barely used.  Welllllll…
Huzzzaahh Dear Hearts!!!
The Losing Streak has been broken!
First time out she actually scores a delightful pair of stylish slip-on's for the cruise although not the pair for "Formal Night” she was searching for while Chucky on the other hand, not wishing to steal her thunder, declines another new pair of Ecco Sandals – [damn they felt good] since the last pair he scored here are still sitting in the closet, yet to feel a pavement scuff… but will on this trip.

And of course while in Aventura... she just had to stop by her Favorite Ophthalmologist Dr "Z" [a Golf Buddy of Chucky’s] for a new Rx which then required a trip all the way back north to Plantation to pick out New Frames at Costco [the old ones just wont do!!!] deciding its time for prescription Sunglasses as well.  Then of course there was this Darling Bathing suit on special… and oh look “Que Cute” Capri’s… and Ooooohh those spiffy new Water Shoes… and…. And… AND… Did I mention...
“This Chic Can SHOP?!?!” 
Several $$$$ later [to be fair, NOBODY ever gets out of Costco for less that "Several $$$$ later" - funny how that works...] and we finally head home with Mesquite Wings for dinner and a case of Blue Moon to wash them down.  OK, just a few Blue Moon’s for the wings, the rest are for the next time our Boys show up… and they always do now that Blue Moon is on the Beverage Menu at Casa d' Chaos.

Rest assured, this wont be the last of the scavenger trips for this Caribbean Adventure to be sure and if worthy of comment will be reported somewhere below, or probably not depending on how bored Chucky gets.

That’s about it for now.  Chucky has come down with a terrible head cold and the screen is starting to blur,  [2 Grand-kids + always contagious elementary school + snotty little hands and lots of hugs = Sick PaPa] so C YA later dude’s and dudettes. [Humm along now...]
Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna Take Ya...

Ciao 4 Now,
Uncle Chuck & The Scanning the Ads for More SALE’s
Dragon Lady 

1 comment:

  1. Money is no object, but cruising with kids? Be sure to sneak them into the Bingo Room and they'll love to win!
